Don’t you guys just love how Dana and Rae celebrated the boy all February long? You mamas of boys are gonna hate me, but I loved it for the express reason that I haven’t found a “boy craft” yet that can’t also be used on a girl. I know it doesn’t work vice versa, and I’m sorry. I don’t make the rules.
So, when I saw this “90 minute shirt“, though it was fashioned for boys in the 3 and under set, I thought to myself, “I need one of those.”
After all, I do have a boy shape. Not womanly, not curvy, and at 5′ 7″, not even petite. In fact, I can’t even claim to fit into that new shape, “athletic”, that has popped up. Unless stumbling to the kitchen for that first cup of coffee or habitually correcting other people’s grammar count as sports.
No, my shape can best be compared to the stunning physique of the pre-pubescent boy. Noodle arms, toothpick legs, flat chest and all. It makes shopping for clothes an adventure, I tell you.
So, following her directions, I made up a pattern for myself and whipped this little number up in about, well, 90 minutes:
It was supposed to just be a muslin to test my pattern, but I pretty darn well love it. In fact, I haven’t taken it off for 2 days. The only alteration (besides making it much, much bigger) was to cut it wide at the neckline so I could add a little girly gathery part. Let’s hear it for the 2 yr old boy to 28 yr old woman refashion!
Sidenote: My husband says this could be my entry if American Apparel ever has a design competition. My friend Jeremy says I’m wearing way too many clothes to be in an American Apparel ad.
I have made 4 of these shirts for my boys in the past couple of weeks! I love that you made one for yourself! So cute.
Congratulations on your 100th post!
That is sooo cute. I love it!
i love it! it think it might even look cute on a curvy body… how much did you add to the top for the gathers?
I think about 3 inches…I just placed the front pattern piece 1.5 inches or so from the fold of the fabric, instead of directly on it.
What a cute idea! And you have a great shape, don’t know what you’re talking about :) Sometimes I’d love to give my curves away for more of a stick shape. Who am I kidding, I just want to be thinnner!
Send ’em on over! I’ll take whatever curves you’re throwing. Especially if they land in the bust area.
I love it! I totally want one of my own – only I don’t qualify for the boy shape, more of the large and curvy shape. I do love the idea of adding the gathering part though – I might make that change when I finally get around to making one of these for my daughter. :-)
Another 5’7″ girl here with the chest of a 10 yr old! ALL my sisters (I’m the oldest of 10 kids) have boobs, not sure why the boobie fairy didn’t visit me. Anyways, I love this top! It’s super cute and now I can’t wait to make one myself.
you are way cute (trust me, I don’t say that to just every woman), love the shirt.
The shirt came out really cute! I really like the way it looks on you!
great way to womanize it!! I love what you did to the front. you’re adorable.
This would work for me too, since I inherited the itty-bitty gene :). I’m having trouble finding cheap knit- or any good knits for that matter. Do I just have to suck it up or is there a secret to finding kints?