Well, Skirt Week has come to an end, and we want to thank everyone who contributed a skirt to the flickr pools. You guys are responsible for about 47 new projects on my to-do list, thankyouverymuch! We had a blast going through all the entries and admiring all the truly creative and inspiring talent out there. We hope you’ll all join us again next year when Skirt Week becomes bigger, better, and somebody else has to choose the winners!
Thank you again to all of our sponsors for giving everyone an incentive to sew! We really appreciate your generosity and willingness to donate.
Remember, you have a few more hours to use the code “skirt week” to receive 10% off your order at Above All Fabric. And I see she just got Patty Young’s new line of knits in too….
Thanks everyone! See you back here next week for regularly scheduled blogging!
Thank you again for the fun contest! I really enjoyed looking at all the entries. You gals rock!
And your twitter convo’s keep me in stitches.
Wow! What amazing skirts! What a fun contest.
I wanted to participate – if only to get some summer skirts made – but my Etsy shop chose the last two weeks to suddenly burst into busy-ness. Oh well. I hope you’ll do it again next year?
Skirt week was fun! Thanks:)
Thank you for running such a fantastically fun week of skirty goodness. x