(I’m about to ramble & rant for a bit, so skip to the pictures if you just want the tutorial)
Remember how you used to not have kids? (ok, did I just lose everyone? You either don’t have kids or you’re in so deep you can’t even fathom what a quiet evening, mess-free house, and stretch-mark-free stomach look like?) Well, let’s use our imaginations.
You’re walking through a crowded grocery store/airport/zoo and you see someone walking their child. On a leash. And though you would normally never judge, you instantly become Ms. Judgy McJudgerson. Really? A leash? On a kid? Isn’t that a form of torture? Someone call CPS!
Well, I don’t know about you, but that was definitely me.
One in particular.
I don’t know if she is just trying to escape our family, or perhaps she thinks I need more (read: any) exercise and wants to give me a good chase, or maybe she just heard we were having vegetarian lasagna for dinner. For any or all of these reasons, she’s a runner.
Cue scene one: A few weeks ago, at the zoo. She decides to make a break for it at the very moment that a large school group, at least 50 students strong, comes in between us. And as I’m pushing little sister around in the Hummer of strollers, I can’t exactly bypass the crowd quickly. I reach the point where my daughter disappeared, and it’s a T-stop. Left or right? Apparently I chose un-wisely, because after 15 minutes of searching along with all my very kind and non-judgemental mom friends, I had to alert zoo security who eventually tracked her down via radio. She, of course, was miserable. As she should be. I thought to myself, “Well, that wasn’t the most fun I’ve ever had, but now she’s learned her lesson in a big bad way.”
Hmph. Cue the very next day: We are in the basement of a large department store when she suddenly disappears. After 5 minutes of searching that level of the store, a security guard makes eye contact with me and says (not in English), “little girl?” To which I roll my eyes and say (not in English), “WHERE?!” She had left the basement, gone up 2 flights of stairs, found the entrance to the store, walked outside, and gone into the electronics store next door where my husband was shopping.
That’s all I have to say about that.
When we got home from that outing, I sat down in my sewing area and immediately constructed myself a LEASH. And I felt darn good about it too. Best invention ever, in my book!
So, now the tutorial, in case you’ve made it this far. It’ll give you 1 leash, and when/if you’re done using the leash, you can detach the parts and have a belt for your child and a key fob for yourself. Let’s hear it for multi-purpose items!
Here’s what you’ll need:
Twill Tape (2 yards is plenty)
Key Fob hardware (1 of these and 2 of these)
Cotton Webbing (enough to slip on around your wrist)
2 D-rings
Leash Fabric (optional if you’re just making torture, mandatory for “fashionable” torture)
Key Fob Fabric (something that you like, as this will be for you later)
Step 1: Cut a length of twill tape to your desired leash length. Press twill tape in half length-wise and sew down the open edge so you have a long tube. Cut a strip of fabric 1.5 – 2 times longer than your strip of twill tape and ruffle it down the center so it is the same length as your tape (I roll-hem serged the edges to prevent fraying, but you could skip this step or cut the fabric wider, sew it inside out into a tube, and turn it so there wouldn’t be any raw edges):
And of course you have a lovely new key fob for yourself (perhaps with your very favorite discontinued Amy Butler fabric?):
Megan @ Motherhood Unedited says
lol that’s great! I too was like seriously leashes? And than my niece turned 2… Now I am like leash? HECK YEAH! Love them leashes!
Mrs. Sassy Crafter says
I used to say “did she really put a leash on that child? does she think that poor girl is a dog or something?” until I became a mom! all my kids have been runners, I decided to buy a leash when my oldest kid when was 3 years old, got out of a friend’s house and almost got hit by a car, now I take the youngest (who is 2 y/o) on a leash (I bought one at Target, paid $30 for it augh!) I don’t care what other people say or think! So I completely understand you…good thing it was just a scary moment with your child, glad she is safe!
Sew Pretty Dresses says
Your title cracked me up. And don’t feel bad for a SECOND on having to tether your child to your side!!! I had to do the same, although it didn’t work out as she was so bad at bolting, being tethered was more dangerous than actually having to hunt her down. I am NOT kidding, just this summer, she’s 4.5, I can finally wear something besides running shoes! And I don’t know about you, but my little angel was so bad about squirming out of my arms and climbing out of strollers, those were not viable options. All that rambling to say. YOU GO GIRL! Do what you have to do to keep your baby safe, and your nerves intact and know you are not alone!
Emily says
Oh my, this made me laugh!! My baby (1 1/2) is a runner and she now wears a pink puppy backpack leash/harness (yay Target). I had to chuckle at a young couple who saw her with the harness at the zoo and I could see them snickering…I want to say “just you wait” but thought I’d not scare them of the perils of child raising. :) Great tutorial!!
laura says
Fabulous idea!
I have a Monkey backpack/leash for my 3 yr old & am NOT ashamed to use it!
Becky says
I used to be one of “those” mom’s when I only had my oldest…now I have a crazy runaway 4 year old little girl and I have been looking for the perfect leash. :) We call it the second child syndrome…I don’t know about other families but everyone I talk to around here says that their second child is the wild child.
Thanks for the great tutorial!!
Kirsten Anderson says
Brilliant – only a parent knows the true value of a leash! Now to figure out how to make it a tandem coz when one goes off the other is hot on her heels laughing hysterically
BJ_Mama says
HAHAHAHA! You have me rolling over here! Glad you don’t feel bad anymore…better safe than sorry…and you’re right, anyone who looks at you funny, obviously isn’t a mother. ;)
Mom of three says
I was sooooooo little Ms. Judgey even after my first was born who NEVER wandered anywhere. Turned out he was blind! really. Ha on me. Now number three is crawling and I already have fabric picked out for his harness/leash. I have a feeling about him already. Thanks for the story and the tute.
barbara says
You made me laugh today, i started my twins on harness teddy backpacks on the day i travelled with them (they were 18 months old) from australia to switzerland on my own. before that it was impossible to keep track of them. one would run this way the other would run off in the opposite direction. when catching trains or buses or being in crowded places, it was just too dangerous. surprisingly i got bucketloads of positive comments and very few negative. all the negative ones where from childless women. my girls actually loved their ‘teddies’ and sometimes still wear them today for fun. i think they never got the idea that it was actually a leash.
thanks for being real :-)
Jessica says
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Jessica says
I love it! I just can’t get enough of your writing. You are talented my dear and I’m dying of laughter! In fact, I get so distracted by your great stories that you could be giving a tutorial on how to write my own name and I’d be all over it!
For the record, I am so glad that other moms forgive previous judgers like myself, because what we didn’t know then we all know now!
corinnea says
My runner is all grown and really enjoys traveling……
Love your leash! Whatever works to keep our kids safe is great.
half pint honey says
YES! I love this… I have a 2 year old little boy.. and every time we go out I think ‘THIS KID NEEDS A LEASH!’
Crystal says
I don’t have kids of my own, but I am so pro-leash! I think it comes from having hyperactive, independent, escape artist younger siblings. I am putting all my children on a leash as soon as they can walk!
The domestic novice says
I’m with Crystal. And yours is pretty!
Dawn says
I have a runner too-boy, wish I had time to make this for the amusement park tomorrow-thank you so much for sharing! Very slowly raising my hand-I used to think the same thing about leashes-ha, if I had only known!!!
Jennifer says
I think you are awesome! I’ve only used my leash a handful of times, but it’s better than risking my child being lost or abducted. I get so annoyed at people who make dog comments. I almost taught my oldest daughter to bark at people to shut them up =)
Amy says
Love your leash…. I had 1 for our oldest daughter and 1 for our youngest daughter. People are to judgmental. I don’t know why, seriously what is wrong with keeping your child close at hand? Just means you love them.
I love the ruffle! Very Cute!
michelleml says
very cute love it
The Oxford Family says
I was always one of those judgey people! My daughter was never a runner and is now 11 and while she probably would rather not be seen with me she knows better. I now have a 1 year old…who is already giving me a run for my money. Just a few days ago I said “I always thought those crazy leash moms were a bit over the top…I now understand why they need them!” Thanks for the tute!
Sarah says
I love it! I’m considering a way to turn a backpack that my mother-in-law gave us into one of those leash backpacks. I think i’ll have to add a clip to the front chest area, and a tail (it looks like a dog right now, so i think i’ll be able to add a tail w/out it looking too goofy). My son is only 8 months, but I can tell he’s going to be a runner. He is already a “runner” with crawling.
ificould says
I didn’t get the leash thing either until I started losing my son everywhere- he’s definitely a wanderer and a runner. This is way cute- thanks for the tutorial.
Rachel says
Good for you! Gotta keep the runner safe!
Kris says
thanks so much for this post!! you really gave me a laugh on a day that i needed it!!!
Lila Jo says
Wonderful! A leash was on my list of things to make this week for my wild almost 2 year old… this will be perfect. thanks!
kati says
We went to Disneyland and I had the monkey backback leash and I had so many people ask me why I would degrade my child… this did make me mad… but I would still do it… he was 3 and couldn’t talk… super… he runs away and has no way to tell anyone any information…. SUPER! I think that as a parent you should do what you feel is right… and I like that he can’t just run away never to be seen again… I really like him!
Selina says
If you have to be safe, at least you are stylish!
Robyn says
I was seriously laughing out loud as I read your post. You are an excellent writer! Thanks for putting a little sparkle into my day!
mab says
Pre-kids I was totally Judgy McJudgerson… now…. I’m 100% pro leash! Not only does it keep my toddler from running away, but it keeps her close to me. This is very important in the crowded zoo or aquarium.
Great tutorial! Thanks!
Inga says
Awww, that leash doesn’t look to bad, in fact it looks very sweet and bright! My mum had 4 kids under 5 at one point. She used a white leather leash that someone gave her on my little sister, especially when we were in big crowds. My little sis was not only a runner but a stripper. We would eventually find her, but then have to find her clothing as well!
Jess says
love the leash! we’re definitely using one for an upcoming disneyland trip! also-the best multi tasking leash I’ve ever seen!
Katie says
Mine are runners too and there is nothing more embarrassing than having to full out run in front of people to try to catch your child/inmate. I think I might have to try to make one of these for my 2 year old – great tutorial!
Kristin PG says
Okay, I’ll be honest, I might judge you if I saw you at the zoo with this thing. But then I would think about how I felt when my 1 1/2 year old ran away from me at Target and I would hurry home, look up your blog, and make a leash exactly like this one! Good for you.
Kim says
Haha, funny stuff! I have to say I’m one of those judgemental people too… My baby girl is 5 months now. Let’s wait 2 or 3 years and see how I feel…. I could be digging in your archive for this tutorial ;-)
Phyrflie says
LOL..I have one better..A few years ago we moved from Ohio back to California via train. And though being on the train itself wasn’t an issue, we had two lay overs in major stations, and I was very worried about having to watch my youngest as well as take care of all our carry on luggage. So I broke down and bought her one of those little backpack leashes..you know, the ones where they’re buckled into the backpack, and the leash connects to the backpack. We go lots of looks, but I never once had to worry about her wondering off when I wasn’t looking, or some creep trying to snatch her up. They come in handy, regardless of what other people think. Yours turned out really cute :)
Rachel says
That’s a great tutorial, and don’t be ashamed at all for leashing your child! I have to do that to my son, because he’s an escapee, and I’d rather have odd looks from people that not have a son :)
Eva says
A twin mom I know was so annoyed with strangers making nasty comments about how mean it was to leash her twins (imagine escape artist twins who would run in opposite directions when you are by yourself). She would pretend to get emotional, sniff and say “I used to think they were horrible until we lost one of our triplets!”
Rita Floor says
I also had a runner and endured a LOT of negativity when seen with her in her harness. Mine was MUCH more utilitarian than the one you fashioned… nice work.
Tammy Fisher says
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!! I wish I had thought of that before the numerous outings when my son chose to BOLT!
Great job!!
p.s. don’t worry about the strange looks and “ms. judgy”, they will have kids one day and thank you!
courtney says
hysterical post! Yes, definitely file that one under the multitude of judging we did before we actually had children.
And your leash is way cute too! Now if people are staring it’s probably because they want one, not because they’re passing judgement!
Jinxy says
I have none of my own but over 10 neices and nephews and think thhat leashes are a smart thing.
Jinxy says
as well as there is only one h in that
Megan @ Motherhood Unedited says
We would love to have ya join us for Link it up Sunday
http://motherhoodunedited.blogspot.com if you want to just head on over and link up! :D
Kaela says
We visited the big city this weekend and my son stayed on a leash! We got lots of stares and pointing (as I would have snickered too years ago), but I’ll deal with it as long as my son comes home with me at the end of a busy day!
katy says
yeah – twin toddlers here too and YES we have leash backpacks for them. there’s no other way!
tammiemarie says
This cracked me up! I tried a leash backpack with our daughter, and my advice – practice it in private first! we tried it at a mall the first time, and she kept taking off and yanking herself backwards! i really got some looks that day.
TranquilityKnots says
I can absolutely understand how you feel. Found this posting because I really need to make one for my little girl. Last time we were at Kohl’s, I probably had low blood sugar or something, suddenly got very dizzy, could barely stand, and she was chasing the other family! I had to hold on to the shelves, and slowly moved forward to catch up with her. I had to call my husband out of the bathroom immediately, because I thought I was going to faint and lose my child! I was crying! SO I NEED TO PUT A LEASH ON HER!
Thanks for the tutorial!
Sarah says
I was just thinking of making this leash for the next time we take our daughter on a trip. Last summer, I flew with her while preggers. It was me hauling her huge carseat, our carry-on bag and my purse through the airport with a 25-week belly. I found one of those backpack/leash combos for her to wear, and it was an absolute lifesaver. No one called security for me abandoning our bags, and I could keep track of her, waddles and all. No one is judging! I actually had compliments on the leash at the checkpoints from the staff!
Erica {B is for Boy} says
You are so funny! We are traveling (by plane) for the first time with kids and even though my 2.5 yr old doesn’t run off usually… I don’t want to test that at an airport. I might have to make one of these!
Krista June says
Last night was the final straw with my 4-year-old. We were at an education festival and she bolted away from her grandmother. I was on the other side of the stadium from them with my son. It took us almost 15 minutes to find her (she was up in the bleachers, playing). I was about 5 seconds away from alerting the police when my mom spotted her. From now on, she will have a leash on in public. And if she doesn’t like it, her little butt can stay home! It’s too scary out there these days! Thank you for posting this!
Angela says
I too was one of those moms! I remember telling my husband “If they would just put a hand on that hinnie they wouldn’t have that problem.” My first 2 kids never ran off and I chalked it up to my great parenting skills! God however deceided to reveal to me that that was not the case! My third child is why I stopped on this post! She is the reason that I am now one of those moms I use to look down upon! Now I just smile and say “If you had a kid like this one you too would use a leash!”
crafterhours says
that’s really funny Angela! I’m so with you. When my second daughter was old enough to walk, it still took me about a year to put her down in public because I just expected her to run off, since that is what I was used to. The first time I put her down in a store, she followed me around like a little duckling. I kept looking behind me wondering why she was following me! These kids keep us on our toes, that’s for sure.
sew{very}creative says
While I never looked down at moms that used leashes (I always figured that whatever keeps them from being a statistic was a *good* thing!), my first was a duckling. You could bribe her with candy or toys and she’d still stick to me like glue.
However, my son was another story. He was clever. He was determined. One time, while we were on a pre-school field trip, I was a chaperone and charged with two other children. Since the others were good about sticking with me, I only had to hold my son’s hand (a practice that we continued until he was about 6). We’re walking and I’m talking to the other children with me, holding my son’s hand and trying to keep up with the group.
All of a sudden, his hand leaves mine, but pops right back in. So I didn’t think much of it. Then I realized that he was keeping up with me a little *too* well (i.e., no tugging, no pulling, no balking) and I turn to praise him I realize that it’s not my son’s hand I’m holding! The little monkey had slipped another kid’s hand in mine! My son was happily (and obediently) walking with the next group, with one of his other friends.
That very afternoon, we stopped off and I bought my first leash. o_O
Tasha and Amy says
We just switched the eight month old to a car seat that doesn’t come out of the car (he’s a chunk!) and as I was putting him in the shopping cart in the store parking lot, my almost-three-year-old took off! I pretty much tackled him to the ground, leaving the baby half strapped into the cart. The second we got back in the car I searched “toddler leash tutorial” on my phone and here I am! Will be whipping up a few of these tonight to have in the car/purse/stroller, etc! Thank you!
avm avm says
The very first time I put a leash on our young daughter she immediately got down on all fours and started crawling on the sidewalk. I got a lot of stunned looks! I was so embarrassed I picked the kid up and just carried her. I can laught at it now, but it wasn’t a tad funny back then!