While I’m in limbo, I’m planning my to-do list for when I’m on the “other side”. Whether I’ll execute the plan precisely I don’t know, but the planning is making me happy for now.
One project I’m totally excited about is a Spoonflower I Spy swap. Here’s why:
1) My first I Spy project totally hooked me.
2) Spoonflower has a bazillion fabrics I’d like to hold in my own two hands.
3) While a yard of fabric on Spoonflower isn’t cheap, if we all swap, it’s more reasonable.
4) By limiting the swap to Spoonflower fabrics, we can be fairly confident that the wash/wear of the fabric will be uniform, whereas with traditional mass-marketed fabrics wash/wear differently. Or so I read. Meaning, we wouldn’t necessarily want to mix the two in a project. But after this swap I totally plan to try it and see what happens.
Check out Spoonflower and see what you think. Here’s how I’m thinking it would work:
1) Each participant orders 2 different yards of quilting-cotton fabric. ($18/each + $6 total shipping in the USA)
2) Each participant cuts fifty-six 5″x5″ squares of each fabric and mails them to me along with a self-addressed stamped envelope.
3) I sort them and send them out so that each participant gets 112 different Spoonflower I Spy squares in return!
4) I’d need everyone’s squares by August 15. International bloggyfriends can participate– e-mail me to discuss.
To look for I Spy fabrics on Spoonflower, I suggest starting with the “whimsical” section. Then view a fabric as a “test swatch”. That will give you the best idea of the scale of the print to be sure that a recognizable object is included in every 5″x5″ section, remembering that 1/4″ will be lost on each side for seam allowances. Because of the cost, we want to avoid fussycutting, unless you want to buy extra yardage for fussycutting. The two yards assume you’ll only waste an inch or two on the edges. Here are just a few examples:
Spoonflower quilting cotton is 36″x42″ for a yard, so when it’s cut into 5″ I Spy squares it’ll need to be cut something like this. The 2″ strip on the right and 1″ on bottom are the scrap fabric that will be left over.
Are you in? I hope so. I need your help to make it work! Be sure to leave your e-mail address so that I can send you more info!
P.S. Care started this madness in my life. She’s responsible for allll of it.
P.P.S. As of Saturday, 7/17, the swap is FULL!
I would LOVE to participate! please let me know! andria{dot}carnell{at}gmail{dot}com
Care started my obsession too- I’d love to participate. Kat
I am in! How exciting. I love the umbrella fabric that you used as a sample.
Well there goes my afternoon :)
I am in! Do you need something more official than that?
Sounds fun! It’s nice to know the same fabric quality will be sent in. virginiamae@gmail.com
Fantastic idea! I love Spoonflower and I collect I spy fabrics! I can’t join though because off postage costs :-( Have fun!
I’m definitely in…I love to quilt, but always let it go by the wayside making clothes for my kids. This will be perfect for getting me back into it just in time for cooler weather.
Okay, so I’m not much of a quilter but just thought I’d let you know that if you wash and dry all of your fabric squares that are from different manufacturers you can eliminate the whole “washing” differences. While it does add a little more to ironing your quilt would be extra one of a kind and the different “wearing” of the fabrics would add to its charm.
Just thought you should be encouraged to try it out…
So excited! Always wanted to make an I Spy quilt and the timing is perfect.
catherine1848 at gmail.com
I am in. Please contact me at
Should I go to their website and purchase my fabric now?
I’m totally in! This sounds like so much fun!
carolinalouisemoore (at) yahoo (dot) com
I’m in! What a great way to increase baby vocabulary….
Oops – I gave the wrong email…
I’ve been looking for a quilt project to be my first. I am so totally inspired by the one you have completed. I’m in! mrscozzens at gmail dot com
Oh, I’d love to participate! The only difficult part will be choosing only two fabrics from Spoonflower because they are all so wonderful.
Please contact me at: kimberly[dot]self[at]ou[dot]edu
I’m so in if this is still open. I’ve been so jealous of all of these swaps. Mail and fabric are two of my favorite things. allison[underscore]krupski[at]yahoo[dot]com
I forgot to leave my email
I’m totally interested! I’ve been reading your blog for a while and have been so inspired… you have just inspired me to make my first quilt!
stephanie dot e dot carroll at gmail dot com
Oh, DRAT! I’ve been gone all day; hope I’m not too late to join in! I definitely MUST participate!
I would love to participate in this. Let me know if there is a spot left.
Ruth from Hammer & Thread
Forgot my email. Rllort {at} gmail {dot} com
This sounds like so much fun!I have already spent hours looking at fabric on Spoonflower’s site. My email address is crrteach1(at)msn(dot)com.
What happens if people by the same prints? I’d love to participate, but I’ll have to check the budget first and get back to you with a firm yes or no.
I would love to join if there is a spot!
yes, should we buy fabric now or wait to make sure no one else buys the same fabric?
Courtney, there are at least two Courtneys– I’ve emailed both that I have e-mail addresses for, so check your e-mail! Or send me an e-mail if you haven’t gotten it! Thanks! Susan
I would love to join!
Oh! Do you have room for one more? I’d love to join in!
~ Suzy
I’m in Canada so I’ll e-mail you. But I would so so so love to be in this!
Um…I would love to e-mail you, but I can’t find an address. Mine is hollynoelle at domesticdork dot com
PS: {sorry for the multiple posts} But can participants design their own Spoonflower fabric if they have the know-how?
I am in if there is still room. I will email you my email address. This is getting addicting (thanks, Care!)!
would love to join if there is still room?
jillderosa4 at gmail dot com
if there is still room, please count me in!!!
goorsky at gmail dot com
Yes, yes, yes-I’m in! Is there a way we will know not to buy the same fabrics? Or, does that not matter. Val
This sounds like a lot of fun:) I would like to join, if you are still accepting participants. My email is emallett@nc.rr.com.
I would love to join too!!! PLEASE PLEASE CAN I JOIN??? Cara got me addicted too!! I need to make 3 twin quilts and then a queen size i spy quilt! So please count me in :D If I am not too late!
It looks like there are lots of comments…if there is still room, I would love to join too!
I’m not interested in participating, but thanks for introducing me to Spoonflower!!!
If there is still room I would love to participate!
is there still space??? I’d love to participate!!!!
I’m probably too late–but I really want to do this! If there is still a spot–please let me know!
torrimahoney at gmail dot com
I would love to know more about the I SPY Spoonflower project… I’ve also been eyeing a bunch of fabrics there and this would be a great opportunity to order!
lmhr515 (at) yahoo (dot) com
i’m also interested, can I participate from Canada? is it too late to join?
tamara_maxwell (at) hotmail (dot) com
You’re in my swap and I’m in yours .. fun!! katie(at)fabrikatedesigns(dot)com
I would love to join, if it isn’t too late! youmans1 (at) msn dot com
I would love to do this! eodmommy{at}hotmail{dot}com.
I am interested! As others have mentioned, should we keep track of what everyone is getting? Also, should we pre-wash before cutting? Can’t wait! adamsjohnq (AT) gmail (DOT) com.
ME ME ME!!! I want to play!! Super Exciting!! adonals2379(at)gmail(dot)come
Me too: )
Quick question as I haven’t made one of these before. If I turn these squares into one quilt top about how much extra fabric do you think I would need to order for the bottom and trim if I want the whole quilt to be spoonflower? (I figure it will save on shipping to order it all once.)
Yes please, if there’s room! How fun to get a package with all these fabulous swatches!
Count me in! I’ve been waiting for my perfect 1st quilt project and this will be so perfect for my almost one year old! Can’t wait to play with her on it! Super psyched!
It’s a fantastic idea, but you might want to push the deadline back a bit. Spoonflower has a slow-ish turnaround on fabric printing at the moment, it’s possible that many people would not get their 2 yard orders delivered in time to participate.
I can’t join in, but I’ll watch from the sidelines.
I want to join! Pretty please? I have an AccuQuilt GO! that will make cutting all these squares a breeze!
I would love to join in! cuppiecakes83 at yahoo dot com
I would love to join…is there still space?
Im in canada so hopefully that won’t be a problem.
kimberleyrayner {at} gmail {dot} com
I’d love to join – this would be my first swap ever! knitobsessed at gmail dot com
cAN i still join?!?!? PRETTY PLEASE!?!?!
I would live to join also, if I’m not too late. Just learned about I Spy & need to make one for my soon-to-be 2 year old grandson.