Well, folks… Adrianna has been on vacation this week. As she ran out the door, she sent me a message that said “the blog is yours!”
I feel like what she meant was: “Do something amazing! Go! I want to be impressed by your amazingness the moment I get back!”
Uhm….. I’m looking around, and I’ve got nothing amazing here. Well, not blog amazing. I’ve been cleaning out the scary area under the basement stairs, and we were able to extricate a rusty metal file cabinet that was put into the closet BEFORE a new water heater was installed, and it’s really REALLY amazing that we were able to get it out without destroying anything. While I was under there, I found a really cool vintage ERA march sash from 1978– extra cool because in grad school I wrote a paper about the potential re-emergence of the ERA.
There’s also a fish tank under there that needs to come out. I was all excited about a free fish tank until I peered closer through the layer of dust to see that the stuff in the bottom of the tank would indicate that the tank was actually used for some form of mammal or reptile. Uh… yuck. What if said creature is still IN there? So now I’m looking for macho volunteers to help get that one out. I have no desire to touch it.
In much craftier news:
– Samster Mommy is a mommy of two! Hooray for baby Sophie! Is she SamsterSophie Mommy now?
– I have 16 sets of squares for the I Spy Spoonflower Swap! So fun to go to the mailbox these days. I need to cut my own squares, but I’m a chicken. I figure I can delay until all the other squares are here, right?
– I have 7,434 crafty home projects on the list. I had 7,435 until the fish tank was discovered to be previously-not-for-fish. Therefore I refuse to touch it. One crafty project eliminated.
– Adrianna will be back from her trip tomorrow. And I know for a fact that she has a Mod Podge project on the horizon that is RIDICULOUSLY cute, not to mention completely original as far as I can figure. Which is especially cool since there’s still so much disorganization in my life that I do not even know where my Mod Podge is. And it hurts me to write that.
I had to laugh about your being chicken. I got my fabric last week but only cut it and dropped it into the mail today for just that reason. I had my husband watch all of the kids and keep them away from the dining room table because I was so scared I’d mess up. Went well though, whew: ) I’m glad that part is over; )
We moved last month and, it was only 15 minutes from our old place to the new one, but I have no clue where my Mod Podge is either. I could totally buy a new bottle but since I know I have it somewhere, I refuse for the moment. I’m hoping that I find it and my iPod Touch cuddled up together somewhere because I can’t just go out and buy another iPod. :o)
Yay! Can’t wait to see what it is . . :D
How’s the Spoonflower Swap coming along? Sorry to bug you but I am excited to get the squares.