Did you read Friday’s post from Oops I Craft My Pants yet? I know, I know, she just posted it. But I couldn’t help but repost it immediately. It’s just the coolest thing. It’s a functionality in Google Reader that allows you to read each new post on your blog list on their actual blog. And then you just have to click “next” in your bookmarks bar and the internet gnomes will magically take you to the next blog that has a new post in your google reader. HOW COOL IS THAT??!?! (click here to find out how to do it) Oh, and my favorite part is when you’ve looked through your whole blog list, you’ll come to a blank page that says “you’ve reached the end of this internet”. I did always wonder if the internet was flat.
Crafterhours doesn’t have sponsors, and so far we like it that way. But for those bloggers who do, I like to support them by visiting their actual site, so this will make that possible. Also, a few of my very favoriteist blogs (lookin’ at you, Suzannah) don’t show their full posts in google reader, so you have to click over to their blog anyway.
After only 1 day of using this new (to me) tool, I’m hooked. I’m rediscovering my favorite blogs. Most of the time I never even knew what their blog looked like, and that was a shame. There is some really cool stuff in bloggers’ sidebars and headers.
Por exemplo: Did you know that you can eavesdrop on instant messages between Susan and I? There’s a little “Between A & S” part in our sidebar where we have tiny funny/sweet/obnoxious/TMI conversations. And they’re not archived anywhere, so once we say something new, they’re gone. If you read it, you just might know the answers to such intriguing questions as: What Would It Take For Susan To Eat Ice Cream That Someone Else Has Been Eating Straight Out Of The Carton? and What Would Adrianna Do To Oliver + S Patterns If It Was Legal?
The answers to these and many more mind-boggling issues are just waiting to be read.
ps: ok, just so you’ll be able to sleep tonight, the answers are “not much”, and “marry them”, respectively.
Okay, maybe I DO need to move back there and help you out, chica. I thought I was the least technological of the crew. Just pulling your chain . . . I swear.
I DO, DO, DO love the little conversations on your side bar because it makes me feel like I’m in on your brainwaves. Thanks for sharing!
um yes, thank you for the awesome tip! holy man, that will make things a lot easier. hope you both are doing well…
That’s great–I often miss things unless I plan on commenting and then click over. I’ll have to read that post! Thanks for sharing!
I love that feature of google! I also separated the blogs I follow into categories and you can then make a next button for each separate category. That way I can just surf the blogs that I’m in the mood for.
That is brilliant. Thanks for sharing!
I love you!!! Thanks so much for sharing that. I’ve been using google reader for a long time, but like you, I missed seeing the pretties!!
Genius! I’m a Greader addict, but I do miss seeing the actual design of my favorite blogs and also feel sad that my “hits” don’t get logged if I’m viewing via Greader…Thanks for the tip!!
gave you an award at my blog
Fantastic tip! Thanks for the info!
WOW!!! that is SO great. love it. spreading it to EVERYONE!!!