If you’re looking to vote on Full Skirts, scroll down to the next post! But before you do, read a little about who this year’s judge’s are.
I’ve already referenced how hard Adrianna and I thought it was to judge last year. Yes, they’re skirts, it shouldn’t be that difficult. But it is. Choosing them is so subjective, and you see skirts that are most like what you yourself would wear, skirts that you’d never ever wear but think are pretty amazing, skirts that you think you’d wear if you had that shape, skirts that you’d wear if you were going to a certain type of event… lots of scenarios, lots of choices. And we know that behind each and every skirt is a maker who really, really worked hard on it. And loves it. And would love to be recognized for the effort. And might cry a little if they’re not chosen. OH, THE PRESSURE!
And while we think we did a great job judging last year (pats selves on back) we thought that we’d spread the responsibilities over a wider range of shoulders for a broader look at the pools. We asked some folks we think are stylish and knowledgeable and generally expert at such tasks as pinpointing excellence in skirt-making. In no particular order, the judges of Skirt Week 2011 include:
(if you’re new to sewing, or if you want to try something new, you must check out her sewing lessons!)
(inspirational host of the annual Spring Top Sewalong)
(the blogger formerly known as Samstermommy)
(she doesn’t sew much, but her stylish podge prowess totally makes up for it)
(who always has something I want to make immediately,
for example, the cupcakes currently front and center)
(One of the Skirt Week 2010 winners, never fails to entertain and impress)
(generally fabulous and specifically fabulous as related to Skirt Week 2011)
It was a hard decision! But it was super fun to judge, and even more inspiring. I have so many ideas after looking through all the adorable skirts