I’m neeeearly done with Liam’s quilt. So grateful that I posted the top for some input. Thanks to Stacey the back now has a few tiny doghouses.
And each little dog house has a little dog somewhere nearby.
I followed a reader’s suggestion on the binding and made what felt like 47 yards of continuous bias tape, which I’ll show you when it’s finished. I’m really, really pleased with it. Also, this is the first time I’ve used curved basting pins, which one might mistake for plain ole bent safety pins, but I did find them easier to work with.
I’ve done a whole lot of simple straight-line quilting.
And since taking these photos I’ve attached the bias binding on one side. Now it’s time to hand-sew the other. Which means first deciding what I’m going to watch on Netflix…
Susan says
I love it!
Corinnea says
Very cute!
Care says
So, so adorable!
If you ask me, hand finishing the binding is one of the best parts of the process! :o)
Stacey says
Ha, I thought you’d think I was a crazy nut for suggesting such a time consuming backing. They are totally adorable. I can’t wait to see it all together. What a lucky little guy.