Last week we were contacted by a new-ish site, now a sponsor, called “Stash Slash”. (Update: Site has since closed) The site is simple. You can go there to buy de-stash items, much of it vintage and some even antique, and/or you can use the site to list your own de-stashes. What’s really REALLY simple about it is that it’s not an auction, and there aren’t individual item fees for selling. As a seller, you pay one fee and you’re good to go for a year. As an eBay seller a time or two, I like that a seller doesn’t have to calculate a whole bunch of individual fees to figure out the bottom line. And as a buyer, I find it a whole lot easier to browse. It’s all crafty and it’s all clearly priced– no “auction” versus “buy it now” and issues with watching for when it closes. I’ve enjoyed watching the market change daily. And I just snagged a 1947 reprint of a 1936 dressmaking book.
Relatedly, the site got me looking around at what I might de-stash. Immediately I thought about this sewing kit that I found last summer. I’ve taken a few notions from it, but there’s plenty of vintage goodness left that I’ve not put to use, and feel that it’s time to pass it on to a good home.
Would you like to win a year of “Stash Slash” selling AND Mrs. Jewell’s Sewing Kit? Easy enough. Check out Stash Slash and tell me what you’d like to add to/subtract from your stash. Leave a comment with that info here. Sorry, this one’s only open to US mailing addresses– the crafterhours empire is a small empire. Domestic shipping is all we’re prepared to handle. Please be sure that you leave an e-mail address OR that your profile is enabled so that we can contact you. One entry per person, please. We’ll choose and post winner on Monday morning, Eastern US time.
oh fun! glad I have a us shipping address! I want to add this fabric to my stash!
I just heard about the Stash Slash site last week and I love it! I have all kinds of stuff I have acquired for no known reason. :)
I love the idea of Stash Slash! I’m buying vintage fabric pieces all the time, using a portion for a project, and then the remnant waits sadly in a bin. This way I could pass on the goods for others to use and enjoy as well!
What a great idea! I have a bunch of yarn and fabric to destash. I also love looking at vintage supplies.
That’s a cool site!! I haven’t heard of it before. I am really into quilting right now, but my other love is cross stitching. I would have to pick Cross Stitch for all Seasons Book – Mary Englebreit! I also would love to win your super awesome wooden spools as my mom collects them and I can think of a couple of fun projects to make her for Christmas with them. Thanks for the chance to win!
I would LOVE to unload a bunch of Insulbrite I have. I grossly overestimated how much I would need for potholders last Christmas! It’s taking over my closet.
-Amy amym710[at]gmail[dot]com
Gasp. I love this concept. I have vintage thread, vintage sewing patterns, vintage knitting and crochet patterns that I could de-stash. And I see some vintage fabric that I must have. Debating buying it RIGHT NOW.
I have some fabric that’s been sitting in my stash for years that I just can’t seem to find anything to do with! I would add it to the destash pile!
Love the Vintage retro 70s blue cornflower sheet fabric, though I shouldn’t really be looking. hahahaha. emmillee(AT)gmail(dot)com
I saw some pretty vintage sheets I wouldn’t mind having! And I am sure I can find a few patterns and pieces of fabric to clear out from my stash…
Lovely! I need to clear out some (tragically gorgeous) fabric from my stash that I just plain don’t need.
This sounds like such a fun idea! I saw some 50’s fabric that was adorable – circus print with clowns and bears and such. As for MY stash… well, unfortunately, I don’t think I have anything awesome and vintage-y and what I do have came from my grandma so I’m kind of attached. In other words, I belong on “hoarders.” I think I have some old fabric I could part with. And possibly some vintage buttons.
What a cool idea! I’d love to pick up some vintage patterns and clean out my fabric stash. Thank you! mamalusco at ortelco dot net
what a great idea! I have alot of fabric and thread I’d like to destash!
montreuils6 at aol dot com
Wow, glad to find that site. I have acquired quite a few older sewing items from friends of my grandmother so I’ll definitely start making a pile of stuff I need to sell!
This is a great site! Thanks for sharing!! I am looking for directions for making plastic canvas Barbie stuff or knit and crochet patterns for Barbie clothes… didn’t see any listed but will keep an eye out! :)
wpooh_9 at hotmail dot com
That is AWE-SOME! I feel mightily inspired to do some destash around here. It’ll be like a whole new addiction, but productive. Goodbye crammed-full of fabric closet! Goodbye endless plastic tubs and drawers of craft/fabric store madness! Goodbye brain-cluttering sewing room supplies to last a lifetime (or two)! It’ll be nice to offer up some of my vintage hoard to someone who”l probably give it a place in honor in their own hoard. Reassuring, even.
I definitely have some fabric I should de-stash because I really have no more interest in the projects they were originally for. I see they have a mannequin/dressform section–empty, alas! That would be a lovely thing to add to the collection, though :)
Yes, I would like to add to my stash…those threads are so pretty and on wood spools (something I love about those vs. the plastic ones, they’re just flimsy)…and perhaps I should de-stash, but there’s nothing I think I can part with, yet.
This is a brilliant, brilliant idea!! I’ve just registered and I plan on using it to destash and get some stuff I’d like too. I will probably de-stash some vintage sheet pieces first.
I have some fabric scrap bags that I would de-stash.
I could totally use this to unload some of my fabric.
I found some fabulous double knit in orange plaid that screams bell bottoms for hubby.
I organized my fabric. After finding 9 large boxes of fabric, I could totally use this. How fun!
my3djbeads at gmail dot com
I didn’t really find anything I wanted, but I think their concept is good, I will definitely be watching this one! I have plenty of pieces of dress fabric that I could de-stash, among other things! Thanks for doing this giveaway!!
Love this idea and thinking of all the rubber stamps I have collecting dust that might be appreciated by someone else. Thanks for letting me know about it!
xtinehutch at hotmail dot com
I need to detstash some yarn– I have two BIG boxes I have been wanting to get rid of– this is the perfect place for that!
Apologies! Our web server is down (again) due to a fiber optic cable being severed because of Hurriane Irene. They are trying to fix it as quickly as possible. Paul.
I need to slash some of my buttons stash!
We’re back!! Thanks for your patience everyone. Paul.
I have loads of cross stitch patterns to part with.
I have some bunches of yarn that I think I could part with! Thanks for the giveaway!
I have fabric, yarn, and a lot of trim that I need to part with to make room for more fabric, yarn, and trim. lol
Cool giveaway! If you need me, I’ll be spending the next two hours scoping out the Stash Slash website! lol Thanks!!