So, my husband is a pretty big geek (but in the best way possible). He clued me in to this thing called the internet and makes sure it is constantly available in our house via some kind of invisible floating wire or something. Without him, I’d be writing this blog post on a typewriter. He also made it so my iPod can wake me up in the morning and I can chat on skype on my big screen TV and I can watch movies on my computer and make espresso with my toaster oven and shoot lasers from my hand mixer.
Ok, I may have gotten carried away a bit toward the end there. Truth is, I don’t even own a hand mixer. But the point is, he can make a lot of things do stuff that they normally don’t do.
case in point:
He made my serger serge!*
My first serger had only worked intermittently over the past year and a half, and refused to roll hem serge altogether. The many lectures I gave it regarding work ethic just never sank in and threats were getting me nowhere, so finally I kicked it to the curb. For Christmas I was fortunate enough to receive this brand new serger! Which would’ve been awesome IF IT HAD WORKED. Yep, it came broken right out of the box. I have an electromagnetic field that repels all things technological.
So, to sum up this long winded post: I finally have a working serger! That I should use! Someday! Whilst not breastfeeding, preferably!
And speaking of geeky stuff and Valentines day (was I speaking of Valentines day? I am now.) check out the crazy rad shirt he got me:
So romantic. You can sit at the cool kids’ table if you know what this shirt is about without googling. And if you do know what it is, you might also be interested to know that we are such huge fans around here that 2/3 of our children were named after characters from it. Go ahead, be jealous.
*while he does have an amazing track record with scrounging around the innards of electronic items with nothing but a flashlight and soldering iron and miraculously making them work again, I would like to note, in the interest of full disclosure, that my serger was fixed using only frustration and the business end of a hammer. note to the less electronically inclined: give it a few good whacks and it’ll be good as new!
Jenny says
Congratulations! P.S. I have never seen the show, but I do have a friend whose kids are named Kayleigh and Joss.
Laura @ ON{thelaundry}LINE says
Aw, that last line made me feel better because that is totally how I fix everything. I mean, that’s the last resort, but it always works the best. My hubby was all like “Your cell phone isn’t working.” “Oh… you have to hit it.” “…seriously?” “Yeah, just give it a good whack against your leg or something. It seemed OK after Nicole covered it in peanut butter and the dog tried to eat it, but when Olivia knocked my coffee onto it it kind of went downhill…. but if you hit it, you can make calls!”
Good thing I have a blackberry, I’m so technological.
Corinnea says
So funny! I need a serger bad.
Oh Serinity, loved it. My oldest son got me started on that.
Dawn says
I just thought you were cool before, but now I KNOW you’re cool; )
Joy says
Firefly!! Serenity is fantastic and Kayleigh is such a great name, I keep hoping for a girl.
Sew Festive says
I loooove the movie, but haven’t had time to sit and watch all the episodes of Firefly yet. So sweet shirt!
Jennifer says
I love this!! I made my boyfriend this for christmas
haha love it!
Shannon (knitnpal) says
you can’t take the sky from me
Kimie says
The show came out too late for me to name my kids from it, but we pretty much have the entire series memorized. I’m still pissed off Mal and Inara never kissed.
Hannah Jean says
Glad your serger is working, super funny post!
Cris says
Don’t you just love those handy/geeky/crafty men? They are SO sexy.
Nicki Rocky says
Gotta love the “Firefly” class ship! Please tell me you didn’t call your son Jane?!
Liz says
I get to sit at he cool kids’ table! Love the t-shirt, and hoping to get a serger for my b-day this year…Also hoping it will not be affected by a similar electro-magnetic field!
Sara Ferrell says
Love the shirt! :) We have a friend whose baby is Malcolm (Mal). And I’m totally with Kimie up there! Can’t believe Mal and Inara never kissed! Arrrggh!!
kbzelazny says
Love Firefly, and kind of hate it at the same time, because there was only 1 season! Bastards!
Robin says
Agree with Kbzelanzny.
We watch the series at least 1x monthly. Ya just gotta. We do have a daughter named Kayleigh but that was B.F. {before Firefly}
I hope my serger never breaks – altho’ I’ve yet to try a rolled hem on it and need to. I can barely thread the thing.
BTW nice shirt!
Robin says
Oh and… I know, wrong spelling on Kayleigh. More Marillion than Firefly. We are however, planning to name our flock of hens after the characters – If a boy can be Jayne then girls can be Simon/Mal/Sheppard/Wash. And their coop will be… Serenity of course. :)
Beth says
I would be very pleased with that Valentine’s Day gift!
Meg says
Shiny :)
Laurel says
i gave my husband a firefly tshirt for christmas – he was thrilled!!
Joanne says
I really love that shirt.
*Love* that shirt.
Also I really hope one of your kids isn’t called Wash, because that wouldn’t be so great in terms of nicknames.
Ady says
Holy cow! That is an awesome tshirt!! Most shiny indeed!
Ajaire says
Hehe my husband was flipping channels the other day and even with my back turned to the tv I picked out firefly as he tried to flip past. I can’t remember the line of dialogue, but I recognized it immediately :)
Sarah says
You should come up with some sort of t-shirt slogan for your husband based on this description. I would totally get one for my hubby as well. Also, I knew without looking at the link that the Firefly shirt would have come from Yeah, that’s our house, too – tricked out, and I had nothing to do with it! :)
gale says
ack I’m jealous!! I would not give that shirt to my hubby. I’d keep it-I’m the big Firefly fan in this house. Every time it’s on the Science channel we all have to watch it even though I have all of the dvds. I can’t not watch. Lucky lucky hubs you have.