I switched gears today and started sewing with wovens! After 4 days and 9 garments sewn almost 100% with the serger, it feels good to be back with Brigitta. I missed her.
Today’s project was the aforementioned bubble dress pattern from Straightgrain in washi fabric. The only change I made was to lower the front neckline. I like the aesthetic of the higher neck, but I figured if my kid was anything like me, she would feel like fabric boa constrictors were trying to strangle her (turtlenecks = evil)
I sewed up the size 6 for my oldest, but as you can see, it is a near perfect fit for my just-turned-4 yr old. The bodice would definitely fit my 6 yr old, but I’m guessing it wouldn’t cover her underwear. It’s an easy enough fix if you know about it ahead of time, and I wouldn’t let it stop you from using this pattern because it is sooo dern cute.
I was kinda bummed that Z didn’t get the dress because then it would get to cycle through all 3 girls, but really I’m just glad I didn’t waste my very dear washi fabric on a project fail.
The dilemma now is that my next project was going to be a Junebug dress for this kiddo, but now I don’t really want to make her another dress…
I do have a friend who is in the hospital imminently delivering her second girl (what up mindy! congratulations on making a person with your genitals!), so I’m going to go scour the interwebs for some cute matchy outfits for her 3 yr old and soon to be newborn. Any suggestions? I’ve made it this far, I’ve gotta finish strong!!
Speaking of finishing strong, someone tried to pretend she was sick of modeling today.
Oh , this is soooo cute! This fabric is just great for this pattern. Now I want to make one in Washi too :-) About the sizes: that was a difficult part, because I only have a 2.5 year old to test the patterns on. I used Winifred Aldrich table with average measuresments for kids, and for the average kid, the dress should be just above the knee. For your kid, the dress was too short, but for others have commented that it is quite long! I guess that is what makes it an average ;-) I’m starting to get the feeling that the smaller sizes (say, ages 2-3)are a bit overestimated, while the bigger ones are underestimated. Luckily, it is quite easy to shorten or lengthen the pattern at the bottom.
Anyway, thanks for using my pattern! an
Oh , this is soooo cute! This fabric is just great for this pattern. Now I want to make one in Washi too :-) About the sizes: that was a difficult part, because I only have a 2.5 year old to test the patterns on. I used Winifred Aldrich table with average measuresments for kids, and for the average kid, the dress should be just above the knee. For your kid, the dress was too short, but others have commented that it is quite long! I guess that is what makes it an average ;-) I’m starting to get the feeling that the smaller sizes (say, ages 2-3) are a bit overestimated, while the bigger ones are underestimated. Luckily, it is quite easy to shorten or lengthen the pattern at the bottom.
Anyway, thanks for using my pattern! an
Gorgeous. I am in love with this fabric and can’t seem to sourc it anywhere. Nobody seems to be stocking it online?? I have made a junebug dress – made it about a year ago but it turned out much bigger than I wanted. My daughter will fit into it this summer hopefully. Perhaps you could whip up some sweet bibs for your friend’s bub. Great sewing!
What a pretty dress! :) Love the last picture. I agree- turtlenecks are evil. I don’t know how I managed to wear a tie to work for a year and not strangle myself.
Love it! I was looking forward to seeing your Junebug dress….but I understand if you can’t make it…..did I give you a guilt trip yet? lol! just kidding. Charlotte got the two dresses I made this time, one also by accident (too small also!) I love that we both have girls we can cycle stuff down through!
Haha I second Jess’ guilt trip – I wanna see that Junebug!!! But this bubble dress is awfully cute. I love that it’s a nice full bubble, just seems so fun for a little gal to wear. And of course I love the Washi!!
I’m dying over P’s pout in the first picture. She and C could trade photo expression tips. Another darling dress for a darling girl. And yes, turtlenecks ARE evil. And itchy. I can’t even stand a cowl neck. I hope my children don’t get the dreaded turtleneck hatred disease because they do look so nice on people with beautiful eyes.
this dress is very pretty and your girl too !!! I love this fabric !!!