First up today is Sabra from Sew a Straight Line. Sabra’s was one of the first blogs I started reading waaay back in the day because of her fantastic sewing school series. She did this thing where she went through a sewing text book and did tutorials on many advanced sewing techniques. It was pretty cool, to say the least. She’s also the queen of the handmade wardrobe, often outfitting all 3 (three!) of her boys and her little girl in momma-made, not to mention the amazing stuff she makes for herself (ahem, jeans). Also, Sabra and I also gave birth to our daughters on the exact same day, and gave them both horitculturally-inspired names, which I think is kinda fun.
Speaking of horticulturally-inspired names, here’s her Edelweiss!
Could this little girl BE any cuter with her Edelweiss + bloomers? Sabra knows I love a purpleless rainbow stripe, and dang it if I don’t wish I had done those rolled hem ruffles already! She’s a smart one, that lady. Go to Sew a Straight Line to see all the deets. Thanks so much Sabra!
Sabra at Sew a Straight Line says
Thanks so much for the awesome intro and for letting me participate in the tour! SUCH a fabulous pattern!
Jennifer says
oh man this is cute! I have to go look!