This is my desk. Well, my desk when I’ve just taken 95% of the random accumulated stuff and put it off-camera. The giant screen is definitely one reason I enjoy this desk. I looooooooove it. I used to do all of my work on a MacBook, and while I still use it and still <3…
Polygamy is Underrated
You know how some snarky people think they’re so funny when they say, “well, if you love it so much, why don’t you marry it?” Well, I’m taking those words to heart. Because I am in love. Yeah, I’m already married. But I couldn’t help it, you guys. Sometimes love just finds you and you…
Sewing Machine vs. Serger vs. Cover Hem Machine: A Guide
After Susan posted on Wednesday about her cover hem machine, there were some follow-up questions and comments that we thought we might as well expand upon in a new post. We thought we’d answer these questions in two segments. First, we’ll explain what each sewing machine does, then we’ll talk about when it would be…
A Serger with No Knives? Meet the Cover Hem
You may remember this post I wrote in November. Knives! Scary, scary knives! Well, I’m not becoming any sort of techy sewing machinery writer. But I’m writing this post today because it’s exactly the post I was looking for when I was making my next machinery decision. Also hopefully my last machinery decision for quite…