A very sweet friend of mine who has two boys just had a little baby girl. She was so certain it was going to be a third boy that she didn’t even find out what she was having. But she was wrong!! And very glad about it too.
So, though I usually try to insert a little blue, red, or yellow into girl gifts, and especially into my own girls’ stuff, I figured she deserved the pinkest of pink presents that ever pinked.
It’s yet another minky blanket, again with ruffles. Much like childbirth, I said after the last time that I was never making another ruffly blanket again. But then I looked back at the pictures and remembered how cute it was and got suckered into it all over again. At least this one sleeps through the night.
And while I usually like a big swatch of white minky to balance out a pepto bismal explosion, I stuck to the theme and went with pink. A whole lotta pink.
A very good friend of mine who has an embroidery machine (that cost more than my first two cars combined) embroidered her name for me. Those are the friends you want to have! (I pay her in the valuable commodity of fabric scraps)
More pink. Ruffly pink.
Did I mention pink? What’s girlier than pleated pink ballet slippers? (pattern here)
Paired with the pink painted onesie I made, just waiting for a pinkalicious baby to be born.
Whew. Off to stare at something green for awhile. Also, I said “pink” so many times in this post that it has ceased to look like a real word to me.
I’m sure she will love it! I have 3 boys and “if” I ever have a girl I want Pink, pink and did I mention pink? everything!
This is absolutely beautiful!!!
too cute – and I know the baby will be cute too, with a name like that – it’s my girl’s name:) Tone
Adorable!!! Those slippers and the blanket— wow! :) Great work!
The blanket is so adorable! Can you please share the name & manufacturer of the fabric you used? Thanks!
Your description of “much like childbirth” is hilarious and true! The blanket turned out beautifully! I love the little shoes and the onesie too. :)
esandholm: the main fabric and the ruffle are both from an old Sandi Henderson line called “Ginger Blossom”. I think you can still find it for sale here and there though. A google or etsy search might give you some results.
Love the pink Minky!
just to get that out of the way.
Firstly, I lol’d at “much like childbirth”
Secondly, ADORABLE.
Thirdly, PINK!!!!!!!!
Haha. That’s funny that “pink” started to not look like a real word anymore. That totally just happened to me a minute ago when I was editing a “sale” advertisement. In the end I just had to leave off the word “sale” because it was looking too weird. :)
And, of course, super adorable gift. What a lucky friend you have!
Pink it up! I say you can never have too much pink with a girl. One day she will marry and her blue and green brown gray black color loving hubby may not find room for her pink things. hahaha! =D
lol! love the “pink” comment. You crack me up-love the blanket too!
The pleated ballet slippers are so sweet. Having two girls of my own, I’m not yet tired of pink :)
Is it weird that I want one?? It looks so cozy!!! I’ll take the slippers too. In a 7 1/2. ;)
look at those little shoeies! No one I know is having a girl, everyone has boys! Ah, will keep in mind for future. A girl has to pop up from somewhere!
That is all very pink-tacular indeed! You did a beautiful job. What a fun gift!
aahhhhh! the shoes! i need one of my boys to be a cross dresser.
Those pink slippers are going to be the end of me. Can’t. Take. The. Cuteness!