Crafterhours got the strangest e-mail a few months ago. We get lots of strange e-mails, and we’re still waiting on the deposit from a West African bank for helping an heiress access her fortunes– but this email was from an editor of Simply Homemade magazine, a publication in the UK. Would we answer a few questions so that they could feature us in the magazine? Ummm… YEAH!
So we answered our questions. Why is it that it’s hardest to answer questions about yourself? Or in this case, ourselves. Here we are on page 34. Not even on page 4,931! Not that we’d have really minded that either. ( <— Please be sure to read that as AYE-thah, not eeeee-thur.)
What might be coolest about the printed product is that our words were edited into British English– so now we sound fancy-fancy. We’re mums with cosy homes!
Also cool– “meeting” the other bloggers featured with us. In particular, none other than the very talented (and Adrianna’s current favorite) Annela Hoey of Comfort Stitching. Being in print AND sitting adjacent to the designer whose fabric we’ve been anticipating since December? Brilliant.
Congrats! That is amazing.
oh my gosh, Congrats! How exciting!!!
congrats, cosy mums!
Fun! congrats!
Congrats! How exciting!!
haha, Brit English! Very nice feature!
Congratulations! So fun and exciting!
That’s so cool and exciting! Totally deserved to be printed, by the way. Love the either comment:).
Neat!!! Congrats Susan and Adrianna! How fun!
How cool is that!! What an honor! Congratulations!
Congratulations on being featured!
Holla! That is so awesome you two!! Definitely something to frame and put up on the wall!!!
That is so exciting girls!! Congratulations!! You guys definitely deserve it! :)
What exactly IS carousing? ;-)
WOOT! How fantastic! Though, in answer to Jenny’s question….. I’m not sure either (AYE-thah, not eeeee-thurr) of you carouse…. boisterous and full of fun, definitely…. but maybe the definition has changed??
Ummmm, wellll…..
ca·rouse (k-rouz)
intr.v. ca·roused, ca·rous·ing, ca·rous·es
1. To engage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking.
2. To drink excessively.
Yes, occasionally we do carouse. While crafting. And try not to spill the wine on the project at hand…
Ridiculous! I can’t believe how famous you are. :oP
That mag’s really popular over here in the UK – I recognised you when I read the article! Enjoy your carousing:)
brilliant! cheeky! That’s all the “english” I know and so cool that those two words actually describe your blog and the fact that you’re in a magazine!
Congratulations!!!so happy for you and hurray for strange emails :)