Skirt Week is back! (Were you reading last year? If not, here’s the review.)
Now that you may’ve had a chance to make some super tops for yourself, you may be ready for a few skirts to complement them. Or maybe you’ve been eyeing all of the tops wishing you’d thrown your hat into the ring. Or maybe you’ve not made much for yourself yet because tops look a little complicated (sleeves! yikes!) and you’d like to start with something simple. Skirts can be suuuuuper simple and still succeed brilliantly. Whether you fall into one of these categories or another entirely, here’s your chance!
Have you made a skirt since last year’s Skirt Week? Or are you ready to dive in now? As soon as you’re ready, you can enter up to three skirts per category. Here are the links to enter your skirts. If you have a blog, link to your post about your skirt. If you don’t have a blog, you can upload your photo to Flickr or another host and then enter it in the appropriate category. Here are the links to enter your skirts:
If you’re looking for some inspiration to get started, this might help. And starting the week of June 12, we have some fabulous tutorials, skirt ideas and skirt-celebrating articles to share.
During the following week beginning June 19 readers will be able to vote each day on a different category.
As if creating skirts that are you (or your kid) isn’t exciting enough, should you be chosen as either the judge’s favorite OR the reader’s favorite in your category, you’ll win PRIZES! Those will be announced later this week. Stay tuned.
– Enter NOW! You’ll just need to get your skirt (as many as 3 per category) in there by 8 PM Eastern on June 17, 2011.
– One photo submitted per skirt entry. We reserve the right to remove additional photos from the pool
– Skirts must be made for YOU for the straight, A-line or full categories
– Skirt must have been made since July 1, 2010
– Photo should be of the skirt on your body. (Borrow a neighbor! Use the timer!)
– Photo should show the skirt well. A full-body shot may make it difficult to really see your work
– Photo title should include your name and a description of the skirt
– Photo description should include pattern and fabric information as well as a link to your blog, if applicable, where you may show more photos if you like
– Majority of the effort in your skirt(s) must have been made by you, i.e. using thrifted or upcycled fabric is fine as long as you’re cutting it apart to start with just fabric
– You are welcome to use any pattern, tutorial, or even knock-off a favorite skirt from a store. Just give credit where it’s due.
We’ll update this post as needed as questions arise and we reserve the right to do our darndest to keep things fair and reasonable. Which means that if we’ve missed something and need to remedy it, it’s our right to do that.
That’s it for now, prizes will be announced later this week! (There’s still time to contribute prizes if you’d like– e-mail us!)
P.S. We’d love for you to spread the word! Forward the link to a friend you think might like it, or grab a button! (Copy the html code below the photo and paste it into an “HTML Widget” on your blog)

I think I know the answer, but I’ll ask anyways – does the skirt need to be an original design or can it be made from someone else’s pattern or tutorial (giving the author full credit, of course)?
jessmusumarra (at) hotmail (dot) com
Do we simply post them in the appropriate flickr group, or do we email them to you?
Never mind. Figured it out. :)
I’m excited! I’m definitely going to participate. Off to start designing my entries! :)
I’m in! Time to finally put some of the stockpiled fabrics to use….
lmhr515 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I’m excited to be making some skirts.
So exciting! I’ve been wanting to make myself some new summer skirts! Not a girlie girl but when it hits 110 here in so cal the last thing you want is anything snuggling your legs!!
Thanks for hosting this again! I can’t wait to see what everyone makes!
I’m in! I love making toddler skirts, and this might be a good push to make one for myself too.
Yay! So exciting! I have a pattern I’ve been meaning to try out for a while–we’ll see if I can find the time! Cute buttons, by the way!
I’m in on this one! It’ll give me the push to make a few skirts that are on my mental list :)
Great idea! I shared this on my blog:
Love this idea!!!! So fun! I can’t wait to see all the fabulous skirts!
new reader since last year – how fun!
Do I need to make the skirt that week or can it be a previously made one?
marianareinoso at gmail dot com
Oh, I am so excited! I just finished my very first sewn garment — a little skirt for my daughter!
Adding the Skirt Week button to my blog for sure!!!
Is there just one childrens skirt catagory? I saw the post on prizes and there was something about “each children’s skirt category winner” I have four girls and would like to enter more than one skirt. There really are to many to choose from.
Let me know ASAP, I am waiting on pins and neeldles.
are there definitions anywhere for what classifies the skirts as a-line or full?
How fun! I’m hosting a summer skirt & dress sewing challenge over on my blog and will be sure to let all of the participants know about this! Thanks for hosting :)
I changed my mind about which photo to post and posted a different shot of the same skirt, but now I can’t figure out how to take it off the photo stream on your group? Flicker is very new to me! Thanks for your help, it’s the pink and green skirt.
how perfect i sewed my first ruffled maxi skirt. guess i will have to join in:)
AAArgh! I’ve only just found out about this via Flossy Teacakes blog – I’ll get my photo in tomorrow – ha! nice idea!
I entered three skirts in one category and just finished another straight skirt. Can I take one of the other three out of the running and put in a different one?
i am sad that i missed this! some great inspiration in the photos….defiantly booking marking your site….i like what see! cheers!