The handmade label competition has come to an end– with FOUR winners to announce! I’m hoping that the designers who aren’t on this list of four are still quite satisfied that they put themselves out there. I read lots of feedback in e-mails from entrants who’d been thinking of doing this for a while and the contest happily motivated them to get it done and cross it off of the list. That’s the kind of crafty feedback that I feel all warm and fuzzy about.
First, the two judge’s choice winners, selected by Jess of Craftiness Is Not Optional and Disney of Ruffles and Stuff. So nice of them to lend us their eyes. (Thanks, girls!) They chose…
“Handmade by Mommy” by Anna and “Okie Due” by Mikki
And our two reader’s choice winners, selected by popular vote (as of 8 pm on Friday, October 21) via this Facebook album, are…
“Doo-Dah Kids” by Brandy and “402” by Lindsay
Congratulations, Anna, Mikki, Brandy and Lindsay! You’ll each get to have your design printed by Twill Tape Guy on three yards of your choice of size and color of grosgrain ribbon. And then eeeeverything you make can be even more deliciously custom. Yum.
If this is the first you’ve heard of the contest, you can read how it was entered, how it worked and what the winners win. And if you’re inspired to give it a go as well, here’s info on how you might want to design a label.
Oh, and lucky winners? Please e-mail me with your contact info, including blog address if you’d like me to link it here.
Last week I’d noted that an announcement about a new I Spy Spoonflower Swap was coming up. Um, I retract that statement. I’m still thinking about if/when it’s going to happen. I feel like a teenager admitting this, but I’m scheduled to have my wisdom teeth out later this week. Apparently, when I WAS a teenager and all my friends were having it done, I was planting the seeds for karmic payback by smugly announcing “I don’t have to do that.” ‘Cause now I do have to do that. But if there’s an I Spy swap participant-experienced organizing-type spreadsheet-lover out there who’d like to help manage the swap, that could be awesome and could help make it happen. If you think that’s you, e-mail me at And if you have any good recipes for things that have the consistency of mashed potatoes, feel free to share.
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congrats to the winners! :D
I totally picked the winners. Go me! And them! What a great prize.
Good lucky, Miss Suzy with the wisdom teeth. Danny boy just had his out while we were home. He lived. FYI: He also got shingles in his mouth so when they give you the steroid, take it.
Lastly, I’d be happy to help organize the I-Spy swap. I wanted in on this round. Not sure you want it to come all the way to me though. Documents I can do.
SHINGLES!?!?!? In his MOUTH?!?!?!
DON’T get your wisdom teeth out at the dentist!!! i did that when i was 17 because it was cheaper and my parents didn’t want to pay for a surgeon. they had to break 2 of them to get them out, one from the top and one from the bottom, each on separate sides. my freezing was wearing off near the end and they didn’t give me more. my mouth was so swollen that i couldn’t open it for a full week. i just layed on the couch and cried and cried and cried because i was in so much pain and all my mom could give me was ibuprofen and tylenol because i’m allergic to codeine. it doesn’t have to be that way at all. get an oral surgeon.
and as for i-spy, i’ve been in a few swaps now and being an engineer i’m kind of a perfectionist when it comes to organizing. i can sure help out when it comes to numbers, maybe i can whip up some scripts for you too ;-) hahaha
thank you very much for the contest! I’m thrilled to be a reader’s choice winner. I had been admiring this ribbon for awhile but hadn’t been able to justify the purchase. Most appreciated….love your blog, btw!
Thanks oodles for the ribbon! I rec’d it today and it is magnificent! I might not make it upstairs to my sewing machine fast enough.