I’m just getting around to sharing our gift for many of our friends and neighbors. While the holidays are over, I thought you might like to see it. I’d pinned the idea over the summer and finally made a batch in the Fall for holiday gifts. If you already know how to make homemade vanilla,…
And the winners are….
The handmade label competition has come to an end– with FOUR winners to announce! I’m hoping that the designers who aren’t on this list of four are still quite satisfied that they put themselves out there. I read lots of feedback in e-mails from entrants who’d been thinking of doing this for a while and the…
Your Turn to Pick a Winner! Label Entries are In!
The entries are in! Head on over to the gallery for a better look at the entries and to vote for your favorites by “liking” them. You can like as many as you want, but you can’t like one more than once. If you are an entrant, feel free to add a comment about your…
Design Your Own Label: A Tutorial
Stacey requested a quick tutorial for designing your own labels. There are so so so many ways to do it, but no matter how you approach it can be completely intimidating to jump in. I have a degree in art… and I’m still often rendered useless by staring at a blank canvas. So let me…
Feeling Competitive? Design and Win Your Own Handmade Labels!
Sometimes it takes a deadline to get you to do something you’ve been wanting to do and just haven’t gotten around to doing. I know that when I finally made myself sit down and design some handmade labels (and by handmade labels I mean, in this case, labels for items I make, not labels I made by…