One for each kid, and they might’ve been the same color if either of the stores I visited had had a 3 and a 6 in the same color. I don’t mind them being different colors, but K has to ask me why they’re different as if I love one of them more than the other. And of course there weren’t matching skirts in a 3 and a 6 either, and so she wanted to know why those were different and why hers wasn’t pink. And apparently my answer wasn’t good enough because then she decided she wouldn’t wear it at all and chose jeans instead. (I tried to tell her that I don’t have favorite kids like Adrianna, but she wasn’t buying.)
If I’d been at home this week, there might have been more last-minute making, but we’re visiting the fam in South Carolina. The small amount of effort involved in making these shirts felt like a lot when the paper backing of the Wonder Under refused to peel off of the appliques. I usually use Heat n Bond and love it… and now I’m even more of a fan. I used to think fusibles are all the same, but there are some differences. I once used Steam-a-Seam without knowing about the stickiness and thought something was so so so wrong.
Fusible fights notwithstanding, scrap appliques and hand-stitching are an easy and portable project when you’re hopping from place to place.
Finders Keepers says
Very cute!
Melanie@Crafty Cupboard says
My girls are the same way! We have two of everything right now… and I’m a wonder-under girl all the way. I have yet to have Heat-n-Bond work for me! Which is opposite of you, it seems! Although, If I don’t follow the wonder-under directions exactly, I get the non-peely webbing too. Headaches.
crafterhours says
INSTRUCTIONS?!?! Uh… I guess that could be the problem. I did it the Heat n Bond way. Which is, as far as I know… apply an iron. Dang. Instructions. Hmph.
Vanessa Strickland says
These are so cute!
Corinnea says
So sweet. Need to remember this for a girl to be…..