It’s totally exhilarating and fun to finally be able to show you… the NEW Spoonflower I Spy set: Alpha! In this set there’s one 5″ square for each letter of the alphabet, plus two extras that I felt haaaad to be included.
I was just about to caption the contents of each of these… but knowing that they’re in alphabetical order… wouldn’t you rather play your own game of I Spy and see if you can name them all? Ok, go:
Ready to start again with H?
MMkay, how about O?
Aaaand now V: (the last two are the bonus squares that you could swap out for others, if you so choose.)
I could play that game alllll day. I chose the fabrics with some help from Kyra, I’ve created packaging and sorted and studied and photographed them, and the game is STILL FUN. My five year-old is dying to get her hands on these.
Want to find out more about these Spoonflower fabrics and their designers? Follow the links available here, sorted by letter! And here’s the shop link.
So, I have MORE good news: There are now alphabet label sets in blue, lime green and fuschia also packaged and ready to go in the shop.
AND, maybe the best news… order two or more I Spy items and take $5 off your order. So… that’s either a discount on your order or a set of i-know-where-it-goes drawer stickers for free, however you choose to look at it. Use code FIVEOFF at checkout between now and Wednesday, April 25 at 11 pm. My shipping manager (Hi Mom!) is traveling over the weekend, so that’ll help her get the orders out before she leaves.
I have toooo many favorites in this set, and one that really stands out as a *must-use*. Any guesses?
This is wonderful! Thanks for putting this together!
Heh, ‘N’, ‘S’ and ‘Y’ threw me, until I remembered that you guys call macaroni ‘noodles’, and wool ‘yarn’. I’m still perplexed by the fried eggs for ‘S’, help?!
I was perplexed by the eggs as well, so I clicked on the link. The fabric is called “Sunny Side Up.” I get it now. :o)