I’m a little late to the game, so consider this my unofficial entry into Meg’s KCWC.
I can’t really show you what I made on day 1 because it’s a project that I owe another blogger (what up Jess!). Here’s an eensy weensy sneak peak though, just so you won’t call me a big fat liar.
I didn’t sew yesterday, because unfortunately my daughter chose that day to defy scientific law and actually create matter. As in, she diarrhea’d out more stuff than she had consumed in the previous week combined. And chose to commence this scientifically impossible phenomenon at 3 a.m. So, much of my Tuesday was spent stripping sheets, hosing her down, sitting in traffic, getting antibiotics, and napping. I tried to have a big afternoon coffee to perk myself up but when the caffeine molecules encountered my fatigue, they laughed out loud and waved tiny white flags before laying down to die.
The good news is that I’m living 11 hours in the future, so I get a few bonus hours to catch up. Maybe I’ll have more to show you tomorrow, barring any more bacterial confrontations.
Mamita's Next Thing says
Sorry about your daughter being sick, but thank you for the laugh. I can totally relate :).
Caitlin Weaver says
I can already tell that I LOVE it! Can’t wait to see the rest..
Emily says
So sorry about your daughter. Yuck. My friend and I had a discussion as to which is least appalling to clean up- I picked vomit and she picked diarrhea but after reading this I’m not so sure. . . . LOVE the blue floral fabric and the pintucks. Can’t wait to see the rest.
kelly says
sorry about the diarrhea…
emedoodle says
Oh hope she’s feeling better. Also kelly up there just gave you the awesomest comment ever “sorry about the diarrhea”
Laura @ ON{thelaundry}LINE says
Sorry about your daughter, had to laugh about the caffeine thing though. Caffeine and I had a little falling out over here the other day too, after both my daughters decided that no sleep was to be had up in here. I texted my hubby at about 3pm to say, “I tried overcompensating for sleep with extra caffeine but now I’m tired AND jittery. Does not feel nice.” and he texted back “Same. Here.”
It’s a good pick-me-up but a substitute for sleep it is not… D:
Ellieboo says
I am loving KCWC too and funnily enough ours has been awash with vomit and diarrhea too. YIKES. Not fun. Ha ha and I love Emily’s comment about which is worse to clear up. They both suck!
Jessica says
Oh dear… ugh… not looking forward to those types of experiences! Glad you’re done with it!
Corinnea says
The glimpse of the dress is very sweet! What’s funny to me is that the last person to comment is my girl and we went through that type of night with her only there was puking involved and we were camping at the time. There is nothing fun about situations like that. Hope she stays better!