I made this romper from a pottery barn pillow case. This is the front:
This is the back:

And moving right along, here’s your obligatory blogger detail shot:
Let’s hurry through the cute baby modeled shots now…
The snap.

After only 3 years, 3 different snap setting tools, and bags and bags of wasted snaps: SUCCESS! This is by far my greatest achievement (sorry kiddos).
Want to know how I did it? Here are some pointers.
Don’t use this:
Definitely don’t use this:
Use the correct size of this, not one that is meant for eyelets:
Here’s a handy guide to help you remember:
But if that was too complicated, here’s a simplified version:
And for our illiterate followers, just in case:
Everyone got that now?
Follow any number of the fantastic snap setting tutorials on the internets if you need further help. But really, with the right equipment, these snaps practically snap themselves. Which means I’m an even bigger idiot for not figuring it out until now.
Now be prepared to see every thing I make close with snaps. I’m throwing my velcro away. Sweet sweet victory.
ps: my tool of choice is called the “hammer tool” and it comes inside certain packages of snaps, like this one (affiliate) made by Dritz. The reason it took me 3 years to use one is because it is readily available at stores like Walmart and Joanns in the states, but hard to find online or overseas.
But what are these magic snap things? I require links so I can buy them.
Someone previously of the hateful plier variety
Okay, I’m right there with you babe. I’ll have to give this last thingy-ma-do a try (that is if you will please divulge the name). Question, might it work for the ever vengeful pearl snap? I almost got divorced from my favorite boy sewing pattern book a few months ago because of snap insertion war.
This is so funny! My husband actually made me throw my snap pliers in the trash a few years ago because I would get so angry at them. You spend the time making a cute project only to ruin it with a mis-set snap. I’ve had good luck with snap-source snaps (www.snapsource.com) and their setting tool.
I’ve had good luck with the snap pliers. mostly anyway. I’ll have to look into this thing.
Thanks for the chuckle. Well written!
Thank you! I used a ‘hells no’ kind of device for a while until it became completely mushed. I was worried you were going to say we all needed one of the professional-looking $80 freestanding doohickies. Now I will have to hunt down one of those simple-looking things!
oh, this is great! I’ve always looked at the pliers longingly thinking I should buy them. Now you tell me they’re not worth the trouble…fantastic news! Did you use a pattern for the romper?? So cute!
I have a pliers and I like them, but I also use them with those shiny plastic snaps that you get on cloth diapers. Also I don’t use snaps very often. I need that owl fabric in my life. And possibly that baby. And thus ends the paragraph that would give my english teacher a coronary, and I won’t capitalize english while I’m at it. (and Google Chrome’s automatic spellcheck thinks that diapers in the plural form is not a word. Wishful thinking, Google Chrome. Wishful thinking.)
oh my heavens – CUTE baby (and cute outfit :) If only I had a girl!?!?!?!
PS – love love love your logo/header – beautifully simple and lovely – I’m jealous!
so cute! baby and romper! and you’re funny. this post made me laugh (out loud). thanks for sharing!
I, also, have one of those plier thingies. The one time I used it (I had it 15 years before I drug it out for the first time) I shattered the mother of pearl snap tops — not happy but used them anyway. The MOP toppers were over 30 years old…sniff. I will use a different process next time.
p.s. sweet sweet baby and baby romper. I had had a momentary longing. Our youngest is now four and too old for rompers.
HA. Glad I never wasted money on those, oh and I’ve never even seen the middle one…
PS LOVE the romper. I want to make one even if the only baby I make clothes for is nearly 2. sigh. Is there a pattern or tutorial somewhere?
Yay for success! I have that “thingie” on the left, it was in my Grandma’s sewing stuff. It doesn’t work! Stupid thing. Thanks for the tip! I’m so glad it wasn’t me!
hahahha awesome. I tried pliers once and gave up. Now I must check out your recommended tool; I hate sewing on snaps.
Love the romper, the baby is too adorable! And I always smashed my fingers when I use the ‘yes’ kind of snap applicator. Until I pulled out a pair of REGULAR pliers and held the applicator with those. =) Certainly better than those frustrating SAD snap pliers.
I just love your blog. :o)
Thanks for the giggles!
hahahaha! best blog post about snaps ever. EVAR. you’re a funny lady with a very cute baby in an adorable romper! :D
I SWEAR, my baby just kicked me and I took that to mean that I must make her one of these next summer. F’reals. I love it! :D
oh my gosh most amusing post EVER ahhahaha
Wait I don’t think I understood, which is the right tool to use for snaps?
So very cute. Never rush through the baby pics, not even for snap info. I use the metal thingy with the hammer too…. yes, after trying all the others. You are very funny.
too funny. i have the plier kind and have used them innumerable times with success. i wonder why they work for me?
I was so happy when I found out we were going to become grandparents! I bought a lot of cute snaps and fabric… I bought one of those blue plastic thingies and made some cute clothes, hm. It worked really well with the knitted fabric until I got to the part where I would attach the snaps.. After a lot of broken snaps I finally got the two needed in to the garment, sigh.
I understood quickly that I would not be able to attach more than maybe a couple so bought a few yards of snap tape and I love that stuff! It works really well when you need a row of snaps but not where you just want one..
I have been looking all over the internet to find one of those simple metal things, but not been able to find one. They have them for larger snaps at Walmart.. At Walmart I bought this package with a few snaps and a plastic tool to attach them with.. and it worked really well, lol. You have to be careful with the hammer but the snaps do go into the fabric the way they are supposed to! I would love to find out where to buy the metal tool!
love this! i fight those stupid plier thingys EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
who’d a thunk the simpler tool would be the winner? off to buy myself metal snap setter.
Love the romper, soo cute!
Wait? What?! Which is the right tool? Can you please illustrate it better. Haha. Just kidding. Thanks for the info. I never tried to put snaps in, I think I need to now. Adorable romper!
I have been trying to stick it out with the pliers because I can’t hammer in the craft room (wood floors, baby sleeping nearby) but they sure can be annoying. May have to try this magic tool and just man up and go down to the basement when its time to snap.
I cant’ even get it right with the “right” tool.. I had to buy an attachment to my freestanding snap press. And it has changed my life.
Cute baby.
I need to sew more things with snaps to justify buying one of those. They’re amazing. My local fabric store has one in the back and they’ll put on snaps and rivets for you. I pretend I’m looking at fabric nearby but secretly I’m just watching them work their magic ;)
hahaha. You are hilarious! I have only use the blue pliers. I have had a few mishaps but mostly done fine. BUT…I have never tried the hammer tool so maybe I don’t know what I’m missing. I’ll have to give it a go now for sure!
The pliers worked for me the first 2 or 3 times. I think mine was out of alignment actually. But the snaps just never felt as secure as they do with the hammer tool. Probably because I’m weak and have noodle arms. I just love how there’s no guessing games with the hammer tool – works perfectly every time.
what base do you use to hammer the snaps on? I do not want to hammer snaps on the floor of my house or on my table fearing it might harm as it is all wood, so what do you recommend? thanks!
I do it on a table covered with my cutting mat and so far it’s been fine. But we have government-provided furniture from our overseas job at the embassy, so I don’t care about it like I would my own furniture. Maybe take your cutting board out to the driveway or sidewalk?
Please show us snap-illiterates how this beautiful tiny thing I’m afraid I’ll lose works? ! :)!!
(insert person with puppy-tail-wagging-cute-eye-enthusiasm here)
Hi Sarah! You just position the snap where you want it, put the metal thingie on top, and hammer away! It only takes 2 or 3 good whacks. You have to have the right size metal thingie for your snap or it won’t work though. Usually the tool comes in the package, and then you can just buy refills. Also, I have a special mug on my sewing table that only holds this tool and my engineer’s pencil sharpener, and a couple other teeny tiny super important things ;) Good luck!
Can you use that wonderful tool for the pearl snaps too?
I haven’t checked out the options for setting pearl snaps, but this tool would probably smash them. sorry :(