Today we welcome Vanessa from lbg studio and her gorgeous chambray and floral Edelweiss. I’m such a sucker for that fabric combination and this one is no exception. It’s just perfectly simple and lovely. I really like how Vanessa changed things up a bit by using snaps instead of buttons too. I’m sure most of you are already big fans of Vanessa, but just in case you’ve never been, you must visit her blog. She has the most crisp and serene photography and does some really inspiring things with light and composition. It’s just a joy to scroll through her space and see her style.
Oh, and of course she can sew with the best of them too, as evidenced here:
Head over to lbg studio to see the full post, I promise (warn) you, you’ll spend way too much time scrolling through her blog! Thank you so much Vanessa!
every time I think I can’t love this design anymore than I already do then I see a new post and swoon all over again!