I know there’s still snow on the ground in a lot of your worlds. But SPRING IS COMING! To be followed by SUMMMMMER! (And for those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, it’s still true. Spring is coming to you too, a bit later.) Today’s Friday Fiver will get you geared up for all of that running around you’re bound to do and you’ll be CUTE doing it. It’s the Prefontaine Shorts for WOMEN by Made with Moxie!
Available in sizes 0-24 and so simple to sew, you’ll be able to crank out multiples! Two inseam options are included and the retro trim is soooooo fuuuuun. And of course, pockets. POCKETS. Pockets with retro trim. Tiny trim or wider trim, both look great.
As is often the case with our Friday Fiver series, the hardest part will be choosing what fabric to start with!
Run over to Made with Moxie to grab the pattern – and use code FRIDAYFIVER to apply the discount. Deal begins at 6am Eastern DST on Friday, March 13 and ends at the same time on Saturday, March 14. It’s a limited time offer– I mean… only available for a SHORT while! Or, maybe — here’s a deal you’ll want the SHORT end of?? Feel free to improve upon these in the comments, funny friends. :)
I want. But the link is only showing the kids pattern.
I am seeing the same thing. Earlier, I saw the women’s pattern but I went back to buy it and now it is gone :(