I posted this seam ripper warning sign this morning on Facebook and there were lots of replies along the lines of “I NEED THAT!” Come to think of it, I need it too. With 3 kids who all now have vocabularies, I’m regularly impressed with how they can all use their voices, directed at me, at the same time. I keep trying to explain that while they may see me multi-task regularly, I cannot, in fact, have 3 conversations at once. You and your Pokemon Minecraft problem might have to wait until I’ve helped solve the duct tape problem after helping solve the breakfast problem.
Also, the look on my face is a clue as to the outcome of the conversation you’re trying to have with me. There are many parts of motherhood I didn’t see coming (should have, but didn’t) and 3 conversations at once is one of them. I’m struggling with teaching as much as they’re struggling with learning.
Similarly, if someone’s face looks angry and they’re holding, say, a kitchen knife, maybe back up? It’s a good time to stop and assess. After retreating a few steps. My favorite Iyanla Van Zant quote that we repeat regularly is “If you see crazy coming, cross the street”. These are life skills, right?
And just to close the loop – a seam ripper is indeed a tiny knife. If you see it, back up. Here’s a sign to help you remember. Print your own!
Download the file here
You’ll see two versions you too can use to warn your own loved ones. It’s good for everyone! Pin this one to save it for later!
I LOVE!!! this. It literally made me laugh out loud.
Thank you so much for posting this. I have been struggling to make clean necklines and this will help a lot.