It’s our big, beautiful, bright, fun finale of a skirt tutorial today! We’re wrapping up the tutorial portion of Skirt Week today and moving on to a week of posts about Skirt Week’s sponsors and the fun stuff they’ve contributed for our 8 lucky winners – a reader’s choice and a judge’s choice winner for each of the 4 categories. You’ve got until Midnight Eastern *this Friday* to get your skirts entered, and then voting begins on Monday.
What better way to end the tutorials than with this super fun skirt from Natasha at Little Pink Monster? Natasha was once a bloggy friend, and when I moved to DC almost 2 years ago I e-mailed her and suggested that we get together. Actually, I might not have even done that. I didn’t want to sound stalker-y, so I think I told her I’d moved nearby and waited patiently for her to suggest that we get together. Umm, I won’t lie. First meeting was very weird. ‘Cause the transition from I-read-your-blog to Wow-you’re-a-real-person is totally strange, but ended up being so fun. For example, reading about someone’s living room and admiring the art online is really nuts when you then find yourself *in* that living room. I’ve never blogged without real-life crafty friends, and am so glad that blogging has expanded said circle. And I’ll always be grateful that Natasha dragged me well out of my comfort zone and out to the Alt Summit. When bloggy minds collaborate fun things happen.
So, back to skirts. Natasha’s skirt is DIY fabulous. Even if you don’t sew, you could make this work as a border print on a ready-made plain colored skirt. Since I know where she lives, though, I’m just planning to go steal this one.
Shown here with Blinged Out Chucks.
Samster owns it.
Head on over and read more from Natasha on the makings of the world’s awesomest graffiti skirt. And get ready to hear about the prrrrizes! (Though a whole lotta skirts have already been entered without any detail about prizes at all. That’s pretty cool. Thanks, y’all.)
Tracy Johnson says
LOVE it, I can just see my kids doing this.