I wrote last week that the time was coming to reveal what crafterhours baby #6 (my own third birth, but between Adrianna and I, sixth) will be. If you follow me on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook, you already know the answer. About 75% of the folks who kindly played along with the poll thought it’d be a boy. ‘Cause what are the chances all 6 would be girls?
According to this, the chances that three births will be a girl are about 1 in 8.58. And using their numbers (because this math is well beyond anything I can recall from any of my statistics classes) the odds that six in a row will be girls is 1 in 73.6. Not soooo crazy. I guess.
Aside from the boy/girl question, the ultrasound results were clear and 99% reassuring. I’ll take it. There was just one tiny question about the heart, and the other testing we’ve done seems to indicate that everything is fine. Phew!
So to answer the question of gender, my husband and I kept the secret for a few days. It’s a small miracle that I didn’t slip. At the invitation of our sweet friend Laura, we had a bunch of friends over yesterday to celebrate. I loved to have an excuse to party and a shower, even if it is a boy, would be overkill. Not only do I have what I need more or less, I feel like now I need a whole lot less than I thought I did for the first two. A party –just to party– for this baby was perfect.
There were a bajillion kids in our house. The best part about that was that since we’re getting ready to list the house for sale, a whole lot of toys were out of reach and there was only so much mess that could be made. Everyone was asked to wear pink or blue to represent their guess. Boy (ha!), there was a lot of blue!
Among other things, there was a cake! The idea, of course, being that if the kid’s a boy the inside of the cake would be blue. And for a girl, pink. But we couldn’t resist the opportunity to play with the plan. So when I wrapped up the instructions for the bakery I asked them to make the inside of the cake green! There was much confusion and slight consternation. Also, the green was light enough that from a few feet away it kinda looked like blue. It wasn’t.
We didn’t keep them in suspense for long, though. We had a box ready with a strip of tape for each of the girls to pull…
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Photos compliments of Chez Henry Photography. Photoshopping of too-revealing tank top by me. Classy, eh? |
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via Natasha |
So, yes. 3 girls for us. That’s 6 girls in crafterhours world. 6! It’s still sinking in. And for all of the campaigning my oldest daughter did for a boy, and for as concerned as I was about whether she’d be unhappy about another sister, well, see for yourself. I’d say she took it okay. (I know you were sooo worried. I’m happy I can help you cross this worry off of your list.)
Since Wednesday when I’ve had a moment to think about what I’ll make when this getting-house-ready-for-listing-thing is over, I’m so excited! I wasn’t opposed to the boy shift in gears, and it did make me realize that my godsons have been neglected lately, but everything has been neglected lately. That’s this season of life, and I keep trying to remind myself that it won’t last forever– the good or the bad.
I’ve gotten all sorts of feedback on my personal Facebook page – everything from “yay” to “you’ll go broke paying for proms and weddings” to “you’ll hit menopause when they hit puberty”. Um… yikes! I know on I can count on you guys to value what’s truly important. Like the opportunity to make more stuff with Little Folks voile.
Congratulations, I had 3 sisters and no brothers growing up. We loved it, but I can tell you my dad was extremely happy to get 2 grandsons when we grew up. He loves the 7 granddaughter he has as well, but I think finally having some blue to break up the pink is a relief for him.
I can totally see that! My father said “that suits me just fine” when I called with the update. Now the pressure is on my brother to someday provide the XY!
Congratulations! Girls are so much fun :)
Agreed. :)
Too much {girl} fun! I love it! Congratulations, Susan….
Thanks, Jen. :)
Congrats. Love those last 3 photos of your daughter ;-) She got over it quickly!
Thanks! She sure did! Phew! I love that sequence too.
Congrats, girls are lovely! My youngest (third) child is almost 2 years old now. After 2 sisters we were also very curious whether this one would be a boy or not (to be honest we both thought another girl would be lovely, but my eldest daughter (then 7) thought it best to give the baby away if it were yet another girl…). We postponed the knowledge to the actual birth, so it was exciting until the end. It turned out to be a boy, that was such a surprise, that my husband needed half an hour to get used to that idea :) We adore him, so all’s well that ends well (and we could keep the baby…)
I’m so glad you could keep him. That’s a lot of work. ;)
congrats! what a cute party idea! i had three girls before getting my boy, and i come from a family of six kids: five girls, one boy. in that order. ha!
Congratulations! My third is a girl too, due in August… going to be fun. I love that you made the cake green for a nice touch of confusion. =)
Birthing club. :)
woop woop! Welcome to the all girls club! We’re loving having all girls too, but the fourth one must be a boy-according to Sadie and Rory….I keep telling him it’s up to him! I love the balloon idea!!
I love that I have nothing to do with that part. :)
Congratulations! We just welcomed our Girl #3 4 days ago and are still adjusting to having a newborn again. Welcome to the Club!
Congrats to you! I can’t even wrap my head around what that’s going to be like. At least the middle kid is ole enough to understand time out this time around. First time with a new sibling was so afraid big sister would permanently injure her when I wasn’t looking for half a second!
YEAH! I’m one of four girls, it was so much fun having sisters. Such a special relationship – even if it seemed like we hated each other sometimes. It’s great now. Congrats!!
Thanks! I’d have loved to have sisters! So far I’ve observed that it requires screaming. Awesome.
Congrats!! I have a friend who is one of 3 girls and now they’re all moms of only girls too (7 altogether I think) :) All the best with your pregnancy!
Thanks! Woooow. All girls that had all girls. Crazy!
nothing wrong with three girls in a row i have 1 older brother and then there is 7 of us girls in a row!!!