For KCW day 3, I thought an obvious choice for my daughter who needs more dresses and my self-imposed Summer of Knits was my very own Racerback Dress!
But boy did that backfire. First I messed it up. Yes, I messed up the pattern that I wrote. It happens. Then I had to use the same fabric as binding because I had nothing that matched, and it wasn’t nearly stretchy enough to be used for binding, as you can see in the ripply-ness in the back.
And finally, she hated it. They can’t all be winners. I don’t think it’s so bad for a triple failure though. When I get around to changing out my thread and hemming it, I’ll try to foist it on my more reasonable middle kid. And if that doesn’t work, I’ll force it on my non-verbal third kid. If there ever was a reason to have three kids of the same gender, this is it.
In other more exciting news, Crafterhours is now being written from a different platform. Hopefully it doesn’t mean any visual changes to the blog since we’re trying to keep most things the same, but it should improve some behind-the-scenes stuff. There is one big change though. Now the author of each post is written at the top so Susan and I don’t have to insert our signature at the bottom of each post! Not that you need that information, as familiar as you are with our kids, houses, and writing styles, right? There’ll be a test on it later.
Hey Adriana…for some reason your posts aren’t showing up in bloglovin…maybe it has something to do with your recent change.
And your dress is really cute! Sorry she doesn’t like it….would adding pockets change her opinion? Pockets fix everything around here!
Bummer for the fail! I just made this dress twice in the past few weeks and had one success and one big failure due to straying from the tutorial. I should have stuck to your directions and not tried a different type of binding that made the armholes way too large! I’m going to make it again, mark my words. It’s so stinkin’ cute!
omg, I find it way too awesome that someone should mess up their own pattern. If I were smart enough to make a pattern, I would definitely screw it up.
I’m not sure what I’ll do when Violet refuses to absorb all the things that her older sister won’t wear. having a boy for number three isn’t going to help much
Dress: Cute, I like the stripes. And having three children of the same gender certainly makes things get worn that wouldn’t otherwise. =)
Platform change: I think that explains why your blog posts haven’t been showing up in my RSS feed. Guess I’ll just have to visit more often!
Thanks Charity! Hopefully we’ve got everything figured out now. If you add us to your RSS feed, it should work! Thanks for being patient :)
Ok, tell her I’ll take it. It looks just like a Splendid dress!