I feel a bit like a prairie dog, popping out of my hole to look around and see what’s happening. Or a groundhog? A hermit crab? Some creature that hides. I guess there are a lot of those. Picture whichever you prefer. No matter your hiding creature preference, I’ve been hiding out happily with our…
Brave with the Bump: The Maternity Shoot that Almost Wasn’t
During my first two pregnancies I had a hard time fully embracing the bump. I’d see photos of myself and nit-pick. Too much of this or that + hormones = tears. This time I’ve made a conscious effort to just set the negative aside. Suck it up and be brave, I told myself. There are…
Sharing a Fave: Postagram (Try it FREE!)
Are you an Instagram lover? Or a snail mail lover? Or a photo craft project lover? Or a family photos on the fridge lover? Or some combination of these? I have something you’ll like. Or looooove. Meet Postagram.Who doesn’t like good snail mail? It warms up your mailbox. And seems to be even more fun…
I’ve tried hard to remember whether I had a Viewmaster as a kid. I know I played with plenty of them, but I think it was always at other kids houses. I don’t think I was neglected in the toy department, it just happens that I never had one myself, so when someone with Image…
Engagement Shoot: DC with Scott and Dana
So, I wrote about my photography journey. The short version is that I’ve gotten a whole lot better since becoming a mother and then a blogger, I’ve learned enough to know that I have a lot of practice ahead of me, and I think I have the tools in the toolbox to have lots more…