There are two things happening at my house that bring me to post things to sew for baby. Well, I guess I should say “here are two of the things happening at my house right now”. 1) My scrap jar is overflowing and 2) not only do I have a baby to make things for,…
Featured on We All Sew!
Hey, look at that! We All Sew, a sewing website sponsored by Bernina, is featuring my Military Hat Tutorial this week! How fun! We All Sew has a long list of free tutorials and patterns if you’re looking for that sort of thing, and a section with items to sew and donate to a good…
Military Hat: A Tutorial (Part 3)
We’re almost done! A few more steps and you’ll have a fun military cap to astound all your friends with. For some reason, people just can’t get over the fact that you can make a hat. Just smile, nod, take a bow or two, and don’t tell them how easy it was. First, sketch out…
Military Hat: A Tutorial (Part 2)
Yay, we’re finished with that stuffy boring pattern-making stuff from yesterday and ready to get cutting! Grab your cutting mat, rotary cutter, pattern pieces and fabric. I suggest something medium to heavy weight. I used twill because I had it on hand, but I think a textury, bumpy wool or plaid would be super fun….
Military Hat: A Tutorial (Part 1)
Last week I mentioned that my daughter needed a bunch of things for her new preschool. Well, one of the required items was a hat. This country has weird rules. But as we’re often yelled at by other moms at the playground for not wearing hats, it wasn’t totally unexpected. I’d never made a real…