So K has this shirt. It’s just an Old Navy tee with long sleeves. She loves it and was set on wearing it outside one morning when the forecast was for sun and 90 degrees. I said “how about we make it short sleeved?” She blinked for a moment and smiled. “Oooooh-kaaaay!” So here’s what…
Make It Work with How to Sew a Straight Line
Hi everyone! If you’re here visiting from Sew a Straight Line, welcome! We’re glad you could make it! When Sabra asked me if I’d like to come up with a refashion for her Make it Work event, my first thought was yay! how flattering to be invited! and secondly, hm…I think I could find one or…
Pretty Pleats? Tank: A Tutorial
It all started with an e-mail. From Stacey. A question. A straightforward question. How, she asked, do Adrianna and I think this was made? And then we discussed. And I think I discussed enough that I convinced poor Stacey that it was too complicated. Boo. But I did think it was complicated. Until I tried…
Fall Wardrobe: Two Shirts
Just a couple shirts that didn’t fit into any other fall wardrobe category. The first one is a rip-off of an H&M shirt. You know you’re cheap crafty when you won’t pay $10 for a shirt, and instead buy a $5 shirt to alter. When I went to take pictures of Z in her shirt,…
Design Your Jeans (and the best sewing tip you’ll ever get)
Hi there everyone. Hope you had a fun and safe Halloween! Thank you for all your well-wishes for a safe trip to America. The girls did great and I am in full possession of my sanity. Within our first 24 hours, we had eaten at 5 Guys, Dunkin Donuts, and went to a pumpkin patch. We’re living…